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Welcome to my first Drupal site!

Опубликовано admin - пт, 06/10/2022 - 13:45
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With over one million users worldwide, Drupal is an open-source CMS platform that small-to-large organizations can use freely without fear of vendor lock-in, low cost of implementation due to enormous amounts of freely-available community code, and robust and flexible architecture ready for the enterprise.

Drupal is a highly flexible platform for digital innovationspeed of implementation, and scalability. Its supporting open-source community is like none other, and it's a wonderful thing to be a part of – you can in fact do good in the world by contributing back to open source software while you build with Drupal.

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Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth. They are particularly effective at night, when their light-reflecting eyes allow them to see better than much of their prey. Cats also enjoy acute hearing. All cats are nimble and agile, and their long tails aid their outstanding balance.

While it’s impossible to say exactly how a wild wolf species became a domesticated dog, most scientists believe the process happened gradually as wolves became more comfortable with humans. Perhaps wolves started down this path simply by eating human scraps. Many generations later, humans might have encouraged wolves to stay near by actively feeding them. Later still, those wolves may have been welcomed into the human home and eventually bred to encourage certain traits. All of this is thought to have unfolded over thousands of years.